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Jako izdržljiva vrsta, dobro npodnosi temperaturne ekstreme pa je zbog toga jedan od najčešće uzgajanih kedrova u našem području. Dobro podnosi štetne gasove.

250 RSD
250 RSD

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana `Columnaris` narrow cylindrical shape, up to 10m height.Erect branches, needles loosely prilegle silver-bluish color....

250 RSD

Grows as a shrub, conical shape, height 2m. Needles partial shells, soft blue-green. Ideal for flower arrangements in large jardineire, etc...

250 RSD

Gold version of the cultivar `Elwoodii`. Slow-growing species. Retains color to the autumn when it is not so atractive.Height 0.6m.

250 RSD

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana `Globus`-round form of blue-green needles, increasing about 1.5 to 1.7 m. Branches and twigs densely arranged.

250 RSD

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Ivonne ®)-golden-yellow color, an increase of 6-8m.Height 0.8m

250 RSD

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana `Alumigold ®`-Mutation of cultivar `Alumii`, narrow pyramidal form. Greenish-yellow needles. Suitable for planting in...

250 RSD

U našim parkovima i vrtovima često uzgajana vrsta. Habitus piramidalan sa granama koje su povijene na dole. Čest je slučaj da je vrh povijen...

250 RSD

Juniperus chinensis `Stricta` narrow cylindrical form, in which the top of a very densely branched, shoots fairly short, upright, leaves only a...

250 RSD

Gusta zimzelena forma kleke,izuzetno vertikalnog habitusa.Sivo plavih cetina,izuzetno pogodna za sadnju u alpinetumima.

250 RSD

Juniperus communis `Gold Cone ®`-Yellow needles, compact, low growth, cylindrical habit. Excellent for use in alpinum.Height 0.8m

250 RSD

Juniperus Sabina `Blue Danube ®`-lying form, needles bluish color. Grows without any problems on dry limestone soil.Used for greening slopes,...

250 RSD

Veoma nizak i razgranat žbun. Grane izdužene i gusto pokrivene manjim grančicama. Četine igličaste srebrno-plave.Velicina 0.9m

250 RSD

Picea glauca `Conica`-Bushy cultivar, narrowly conical. Needles at first light green, later light blue.Very slowly increasing maximum height of 2m...

250 RSD

Endemit balkanskog poluostrva, naša najznačajnija četinarska vrsta. Habitus usko piramidalan, grane prvog reda su kratke. Pri vrhu uperene ka gore...

250 RSD

Od svih smrča najbolje podnosi gradske uslove. Kod nas je ovo često gajena dekorativna vrsta. Kupast habitus sa pravilnim pršljensatim granama....

250 RSD

Raste kao žbun visine 2-4m sa krivim i često po zemlji poleglim stablom. Zbog staništa na kojima se prostire njegov areal (viskoe planine,tereni...

250 RSD
250 RSD
250 RSD
250 RSD

Polegla forma, četine plavičaste boje. Raste bez problema na suvim krečnjačkim zemljištima.koristi se za ozelenjavanje padina,prikrivanje...

250 RSD

Juniperus Sabina `Variegeta`®-Compact growth. Broad habit. Needles of shaded green and yellow. alpinum suitable for forming, consolidating slopes...

250 RSD
250 RSD

Taxus baccata `Semperaurea`-Rise to 2m high and as many broad, upright shrub. Shoots very short yellowish-brown needles from above the golden-...

250 RSD
250 RSD

Ideal form for hedges. Resistant to winter conditions and urban pollution. Cone-shaped, emerald-green color through summer and winter, brown-green...

250 RSD

Thuja occidentalis `Tiny Tim`-Compact dwarf form of spherical habitat. Dark green needles throughout the year. Slow-growing species.

250 RSD

Tree 4-5m high, regular cylindrical shape. Branches wide, and stand for more or less the same length. Top of dull, color fresh green needles...

250 RSD
250 RSD

Thuja occidentalis (Woodwardia ®)-Dwarf form, round, up to 1.5 m needles, dark-green.Height 0.6m

250 RSD

Thuja plicata `Gelderland `-Dark green leaves, bark reddish-green looks very decorative, the increase over 10m. It can be used for fences.Height 1...

250 RSD

Taxus baccata `Repandes ®`-Lying form of green needles. Slow-growing species. Suitable for alpinum.

250 RSD

Taxus baccata stricta `Viridis` ®-Elongated habitus.Represents a good choice for group planting. Needles green. Slow-growing species.

250 RSD

Juniperus virginiana `Blue Arrow ®`-Narrow habit. Medium g

250 RSD

X Cupressocyparis leylandii `Gold Rider`-Medium-growing form.Extremley  yellow needles. Pyramid shape of habit.Height 1m

250 RSD

Thuja occidentalis `Holmpstrup`®-Narrow conical habit.Green dark needles for forming a vertical in space. Ideal for use in alpinumims.Height 1.7m...

250 RSD